Air Suspension

Firestone Industrial Products Company began in 1936, when Firestone Tire & Rubber Company purchased a plant in Noblesville, Indiana. Two years later, we designed and patented the first Pneumatic Suspension Device, better known as the Firestone Airide™ Air Spring. Since that time, we have led the market in innovation and expansion. Today, we manufacture the world’s Number One air spring for light vehicles, buses, heavy-duty trucks and trailers, rail cars and industrial applications— with offices and manufacturing operations on four continents.

Firestone air spring systems are designed to maximize safe load carrying capacity, stability, and overall ride quality. They are designed and assembled in the USA. Ride Rite air springs use the same Firestone technology used on many heavy duty trucks, trailers, and buses on the road today.

How it works

Ride-Rite air helper springs utilize a pair of convoluted air springs, which can be adjusted for changing loads. These air springs are capable of 3,200 to 5,000 lbs.* of load leveling capacity. Ride-Rite air helper springs enhance the ride by reducing inter-leaf friction. Please remember that air springs do not increase the loadcarrying capacity of your vehicle. *DO NOT EXCEED THE VEHICLE’S RECOMMENDED GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT RATING (GVWR)





Levels Vehicle
This will improve steering control and braking effectiveness, level headlight beams and reduce tire wear.

Levels Off-Center Loads

Individual inflation valves allow for side-to-side adjustment.





Reduces Suspension Fatigue

Keeps leaf springs from permanent sagging under repeated or constant load.

Reduces Bottoming Out

Protective air cushion softens contact between the axle and frame.





Increases Vehicle Stability

Absorbs road shock – providing ideal ride conditions for your passengers and load.


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