RomaGear Portable Solar Solutions

The highest quality, best performing and best priced portable solar products in South Africa.

RomaGear has been manufacturing portable solar power solutions for the outdoor and camping industry for over 8 years.
Regarded as one of the most efficient, highest powered and most cost effective system on the market in South Africa.
Manufactured locally with unmatched service and support - and able to acommodate any custom requirement.

Foldable Solar Panel Kits

Custom designed foldable solar panels for camping, outdoor and other mobile applications:

  • Ideal for camping, 4x4 and other mobile applications
  • Durable anti corrosive components
  • Includes foldable solar panel, cabling, controller and protective canvas cover


Foldable Panels
Battery Boxes

Battery Boxes

Battery Box (with optional Solar Power Controller).
Ideal for camping, outdoor, 4x4 and other mobile applications.
Lightweight, heavy duty corrosion-resistant polypropylene box.
High strength extra large battery compartment.

  • Full DC output interface with volt meter
  • USB outputs
  • BH cahrge and power output connectors

DC Chargers

The Blue Power IP65 Charger is a new high efficiency multi-stage professional battery charger with bluetooth remote monitoring.

  • Built-in Bluetooth, the status of the charger and the battery can be checked on a smartphone, tablet or laptop.
  • The seven-step charging algorithm gets the best out of your battery.
  • Maintains health, ensures better performance... and a longer life.
  • Unlike other brands, recharge a deeply-discharged battery by force-feeding it with a low current.
DC Chargers
Solar Controllers

Solar Charge Controllers

Using the latest, fastest technology, Victron controllers maximises this energy-harvest, driving it intelligently to achieve full charge in the shortest possible time. Maintains battery health, extending its life.

  • Highest efficiency MPPT technology
  • 5 year Warranty
  • Bluetooth enabled
  • Remotely control and monitoring available

    Solar Panels

    Fixed / Rigid frame polycrystalline and monocrystaline solar panels. Highest efficiency and performance.

    • Ideal for permanently fixed installations
    • Sizes from 50w to 160w (on 36 cell 22v range)
    • MC4 Connectors
    • High efficiency - 14+%
    • 10 year structural warranty
    • 25 year linear performance warranty
    Solar Panels

    Our partnership with RomaGear also gives us access to professional advice, design, supply and installation of solar power systems for residential to small commercial projects. Please contact us for more information.

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